
About The Company
ChamberDesk is a membership management software for membership based organizations and associations such as destination management organizations, visitors centers, and chambers of commerce.
The cloud based software automates and streamline membership management by offering integrated billing, members management, website updates, event registrations and advanced reporting.
Needs & Provided Solution
ChamberDesk required a cloud based system that can streamline membership organizations day-to-day operations. The SaaS app features requests included automated membership renewal process, members listings visibility on the web, and various subscription types. The App to reside on a multi-tenant fast data processing, security and scalability.
Through various planning, collaboration and execution phases, eLab Communications developed first developed a MVP "Minimal Viable Product" to later develop a beta-phase application utilized by early adopters. Based on feedback and user studies, conducted by eLab Communications, a fully functional Saas App was developed.
Upon the release of the App, eLab Communications developed an ongoing and successful search engine optimization campaign for traffic and lead generation.
At the moment, eLab Communications fully manage the SaaS app infrastructure and daily load optimization along periodical development of new features and modules.
Featured Outcome
- Developed Brand, Logo and Theme Colors
- Responsive Mobile Friendly Portal for SaaS App Signup
- UI/UX Design of App Dashboards
- Integrated SaaS Membership Management System
- Events Registration
- Built-In CRM System
- Automated Dues Renewal
- Email and SMS Marketing Feature
- Dynamic Business Directory
- Self-Service Members Portal
- Advertising Management Feature
- Periodical Instructional Video Production